
Personal Injury (Accidents)

Alexia Law specializes in personal injury cases. She assists her clients in both work related and traffic accidents. You can fill an accident form and we will contact you to assess your case free of charge. Alexia Law offers you a possibility to communicate in your own language which is important to build a mutual trust and make the cooperation more fruitful. 

Click here and fill in the accident form to claim your compensation.

Legal services for Dutch and Polish entrepreneurs

Would like to undertake business in the Netherlands? Are you eager to co-operate with a Polish company? Alexia Law is your indispensable connecting link and will tackle all your legal and linguistic issues.

Flexible Professional Legal Support

Alexia Law is a professional support lawyer who can support your legal team while working on difficult, cross boarder cases. Alexia Law has already gained much experience while working on complex multilingual cases concerning due-diligence, competition law, bribery and privacy for the biggest market players in the Netherlands and all around the world.

One stop shop

Alexia Law offers you a possibility to communicate in your own language. Alexia Law can support you in your own language. Therefore, misunderstandings and translation errors may be avoided. It saves your time and prevents from unforeseen costs.

Legal specializations

Personal Injury (Accidents)

  • Employer’s liability
  • Mediation
  • Settlement process

Corporate Law

  • Establishing partnerships and sole proprietorships
  • Creating contracts and general conditions
  • Counselling in company formation

Competition Law

  • Notifications
  • Cartel Investigations

Labour Law

  • Collective agreement
  • No-competition clause
  • Resolving labour disputes
  • Challenging redundancy
  • Transitie vergoeding in the Netherlands
  • Mediation, liability of the employer, illness
  • Wage payment refusal
  • Formal termination agreement














Experience and Recommendations

  • De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
  • Autoriteit Consument en Markt
  • Den Teuling Advocatuur


  • Penn Pekelharing and Stroes Advocaten
  • Strafrechtswinkel Nederland
  • Stichting Regenboog


“I highly recommend Alexandra. Our office has hired Aleksandra as an independent contract lawyer because of her specific Eastern and Central European legal expertise. I was impressed by her entrepreneurship and her willingness to step outside her comfort zone.”

mr. Richard van Staden ten Brink

Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

“Aleksandra has accomplished various (international) cases for De Brauw’s Flex Pool. I have come to know her as an cordial, flexible, ambitious and talented lady who is very well organized. She honors her commitments and works accurate and at fast pace. It was my true pleasure to work with her.”

Kim de Jong-Verhagen

FlexPool Co-ordinator, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

“Aleksandra is a talented, highly motivated and multilingual young professional who combines a hands-on mentality, creativity and humour with a keen commercial sense. It has been a pleasure working with her and I would highly recommend her for any assignment, as she naturally rises to the occasion when presented with something she is passionate about.”

Doeke den Teuling

Den Teuling Advocatuur

“I had the pleasure of working with Aleksandra for several months at my previous lawfirm, collaborating on several cases. She is multilingual, talented and hard working. I can recommend Aleksandra, especially to expats who are seeking solid legal advice on Dutch criminal law and family law in English, Polish or Russian.”

David Penn

Penn Bakker Advocaten

“Aleksandra is a hard-working and pleasant colleague. She proved to be very flexible and client orientated and combines this with a solid knowledge and feeling for the legal practice. At her experience level, my partners and myself consider her to be an outstanding junior lawyer.”

Tapio Pekelharing

Lungo Advocaten

 Online Legal Advice (Videos)
Blog and Media

An article directed to Poles who live in the Netherlands or intend to emmigrate there published by the largest Polish media portal Aleksandra Tulicka Krasowska was interviewed and explained the most challenging problems faced by Poles and other immigrants in the Netherlands. She highlighted her specialization in personal injury cases, shedding light on a common issue faced by immigrants who may not be aware that they are eligible for compensation. The article can be read here (in Polish).

An extensive article about Polish employees that work in the Netherlands and their problems published by one of the largest web portals Aleksandra Tulicka Krasowska was interviewed and explained that one of the largest problems that Poles face when they work in the Netherlands is that Poles often receive insufficient help and legal support after experiencing accidents.

The article can be read here (in Polish). In 2023, the article was awarded the prestigious Maciej Płażynski prize for its service to the Polish community abroad. More information about the award can be found here  and here (in Polish).

Aleksandra gave an interview in the Dutch mainstream media RTL evening news where she spoke about her career in the Netherlands and provided an example of a successful integration in the Dutch society.

About me

Aleksandra Tulicka Krasowska

Aleksandra Tulicka Krasowska

Aleksandra is an adaptable, conscientious, and focused on her work, with a strong flair for languages and analytical skills.  She graduated from the University of Amsterdam and holds a bachelor’s degree in Dutch Law (Rechstgeleerdheid) and a master’s degree in Competition Law and Regulation (Mededingingsrecht).

Thanks to her experience as an independent lawyer, next to running her own practice, since 2015 she has also accomplished around 40 different projects at De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek and Nauta Dutilh that lasted between one month and three years. The majority of the assignments involved analyses and due diligence of documents in the area of company and tenancy law, privacy, bribery, fraud, regulation, drafting and reviewing of commercial contracts. Most of them were conducted for the large multinational companies and the banking sector.

At her own practice Aleksandra advises both Dutch and Polish companies on drafting their contracts, general terms and conditions and ongoing law changes. Because she is an entrepreneur herself, she understands the potential clashes between law and commercial aspects and always searches for a good compromise between maximizing a company’s profits and complying with the local law. She has also gained a broad experience in the personal injury cases. She specializes in work related claims.

On the personal side, Aleksandra describes herself as an open, honest, and down-to earth in her professional dealings. She is also an autonomous and independent lawyer and enjoys personal contact with project partners and clients. She is driven by her personal values such as ethical business behaviour, transparency, integrity, and respect. Aleksandra is fond of learning and taking up new challenges. She is a good public speaker and enjoys performing in front of a bigger crowd and in the court room.


11 + 6 =

Alexia Law

Legal & Linguistic Advice

Aleksandra Tulicka

Beethovenstraat 170
1077JX Amsterdam

Rynek 14
50-101 Wroclaw

+31 6 50 23 62 21

KVK: 61452734
BTW: 780097221B014270


Algemene Voorwaarden

Alexia Law is gevestigd in Amsterdam en ingeschreven in het handelsregister onder nummer 61452734. Alle diensten en (andere) werkzaamheden worden verricht uit hoofde van een overeenkomst tot opdracht met Alexia Law. Op alle rechtsverhoudingen zijn de algemene voorwaarden van Alexia Law van toepassing. Daarin is een aansprakelijkheidsbeperking opgenomen. Op de werkzaamheden van Alexia Law is tevens een kantoorklachtenregeling van toepassing. De voorwaarden en de kantoorklachtenregeling liggen ter inzage, zijn in te zien op en worden op verzoek kosteloos toegezonden. De inhoud van dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Het gebruik van de inhoud van dit bericht door anderen zonder uitdrukkelijke goedkeuring van de afzender is niet toegestaan. Indien u niet de bedoelde geadresseerde bent, gelieve de afzender te waarschuwen.

Alexia Law is domiciled in Amsterdam and registered at the Chamber of Commerce under no. 61452734. All services and (other) activities are carried out by Alexia Law pursuant to a contract for professional services (“overeenkomst van opdracht”). Alexia’s Law general terms and conditions apply to the agreement, as well as Alexia’s Law office complaints procedure. These general terms and conditions and contain a limitation of liability clause and a jurisdiction clause electing the District Court of Amsterdam as the competent forum. The general terms and conditions and the office complaints procedure are at all times available for inspection, can be consulted at and will be sent upon request free of charge. The contents of this e-mail message are solely intended for the addressee. Use of these contents by others without the prior approval of the sender or addressee, is not permitted. If you are not the intended addressee, please notify the sender immediately.

Download: Algemeene-Voorwaarden-Alexia-Law-pdf

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